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Debbie Pellett

Director's Diary Entry #1

Not many people would think of Watford as a home for performance art. However, a couple of months ago Watford proved them all wrong.

Spread over 2 weekends, Imagine Watford is an arts festival bursting with live performances of theatre, storytelling, music, dance, circus and more with artists coming from all over the UK and the rest of the world. The best bit…all of the performances were free!!!

I was fortunate enough to see several of the dance performances and I was both amazed and inspired by the fantastic performances and creative choreography – who would have thought bharatanatyam and juggling could work so well?!

What struck me most were the audiences. By bringing dance out of theatres and onto the streets, people who perhaps wouldn’t normally go to see dance got to experience the joys it can bring. The variety of ages, ethnicities, abilities, shapes and sizes, was extraordinary and it proves that dance has the ability to break barriers and bring people together.

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